Two UConn professors returned to Storrs this semester from Washington, D.C., where they spent a year as two of just 13 scientists chosen nationwide to work as Jefferson Science Fellows for the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development ... At the conference, he and his colleagues from the Office of Biological Policy Staff presented what he calls a “mini-university” on microbiology and molecular diagnostics to a room full of diplomats.
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A greater focus on the role of microbiology in agriculture combined with new technologies can help mitigate potential food shortages associated with world population increases according to a new report from the American& ...
Conducting science in extreme environments: Video-article highlights microbiologist`s Antarctica research. 05/10/2012. Share this Story: facebook &. twitter &. Linked in &. email& ...
MSSA is the less-dangerous “cousin” of the MRSA bacteria that is the subject of an article Sandrin and colleagues recently published in the journal Letters in Applied Microbiology. (Phys.org) —It may sound like science fiction,& ...
Two UConn professors returned to Storrs this semester from Washington, D.C., where they spent a year as two of just 13 scientists chosen nationwide to work as Jefferson Science Fellows for the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development ... At the conference, he and his colleagues from the Office of Biological Policy Staff presented what he calls a “mini-university” on microbiology and molecular diagnostics to a room full of diplomats.
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